The information on this Website shows scientific evidence that human-caused
global warming is not true. People worldwide have not become aware of the
scientific proof and evidence provided by respected and renowned scientific
authorities and institutions through their investigation and research that prove
what everyone worldwide should know. This Report has studies and analysis
by America’s NASA and National Geographic Society among other respected
scientific institutions about the real cause for global warming. As it turns out,
global warming and climate change are not caused by the use of petroleum,
natural gas, or coal. Therefore, people worldwide have all been misled and
confused by their Governments, politicians, their medias, and others, who are
deceitful or misinformed by always continuing to promote such an untruth and
abusive propaganda.
To know the real truth about global warming and climate change, review the undeniable evidence on this Website from credible scientific institutions that show “Earth’s climate warming is not caused by human and animal activity”.
To know the real truth about global warming and climate change, review the undeniable evidence on this Website from credible scientific institutions that show “Earth’s climate warming is not caused by human and animal activity”.